How to copy files/folders directly from iZip to other Apps or cloud drives?

You now can copy multiple files or folders directly from iZip to other Apps or cloud drives. You can use this feature to copy selected files/folders from iZip to iZip Pro. (Please note that the destination App needs to support Files app).

The steps are:

  • In iZip, select files/folders by tapping on their left circles.
  • Tap "Share" on the toolbar, select "NO" for compressing the files/folders first.
  • On the Activities prompt, select "Save to Files".
  • You can then select the preferred location to save the selected files/folders. For example, if you want to save them to iZip Pro, tap "On My iPhone", then select "iZip Pro" and tap "Save" at the upper right corner to finish. You can also select a cloud drive, for example, iCloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive etc. (You will need to first log into your cloud drive in Files App).

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